Improve Employee Performance Through Greater Contingent Workforce Visibility

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As the contingent healthcare workforce continues to grow in the US and worldwide, employers are constantly tasked with finding innovative ways to find out just who makes up their contingent workforce. Knowing who your employees are, understanding their concerns, their needs, their wants, and their experiences are absolutely key to your healthcare organization achieving effective employee performance management. Therefore, choosing a vendor management system provider that offers you in-depth contingent workforce visibility is critical.

Employee performance could be extremely beneficial to organizations, but it can also be detrimental. Healthcare facilities must learn to effectively manage and influence employee performance to ensure they are getting the absolute most out of their healthcare providers and staff members while maintaining the overall happiness and engagement of their employees.

Using Contingent Workforce Visibility to Your Advantage


Contingent workforce visibility is an integral cog in the wheels of any healthcare organization who employs contingent workforce providers and staff. Having an up-to-date vendor management system in place that helps you effectively gather data on your contingent labor will allow you to establish a valuable database of information about your temporary and contracted workforce. From this database, you are able to conduct analyses and make important decisions regarding the status of each individual employee.

For instance, the performance of temporary labor employees can be evaluated by analyzing prior short-term or long-term contracts completed or by reviewing employee performance for their current contracted position, etc. This can provide crucial insight and help you make decisions on whether or not to renew a contingent healthcare provider’s contract, to assign them to another department or position or to terminate their contract altogether.

While hiring and workforce growth is expected to increase worldwide in the coming years, it is imperative for all healthcare facility decision-makers to be aware of the latest technology and vendor management solutions available that will allow them to maintain a valuable database of employee information, specifically data surrounding their contingent workforce. This will pave the way for more effective employee performance management. Greater contingent workforce visibility provides employers valuable insight that enables them to better predict the success of their temporary employees.

Additional Benefits of Contingent Workforce Visibility

Maintaining a performance database for each contingent healthcare provider or staff member can provide other benefits as well. For instance, detailed analytics can help employers measure the value of each independent worker based off of their skill set and provided services. These analytics can further allow employers to determine if their contingent workforce is being allocated most effectively and efficiently.

Greater contingent workforce visibility also provides employers with crucial and detailed records of their contingent workers for future consideration for open full-time positions that would provide healthcare benefits and retirement options.

Mobile Employee Engagement Access

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Temporary workers prefer to engage with their employers throughout their daily workplace functions and interactions with the use of mobile devices and innovative tech interfaces. If they are able to easily view their assignments and tasks through a mobile employee database, employers may very well see additional improvement in employee engagement and employee performance.

In addition, the right vendor management system with an efficient mobile interface can serve as an effective tool for both employer and employee to access, manage, delegate and accept assignments and tasks. A positive mobile engagement experience for your contingent workforce providers will likely result in a positive impact on employee engagement and employee performance.

Implementing a Vendor Management Software Solution

There is a variety of vendor management systems currently available in the mainstream market that healthcare organizations can take advantage of. Be aware of common mistakes to avoid when choosing and setting up your vendor management system. Simple solutions that provide in-depth contingent workforce visibility can be easily designed and implemented into the daily workplace functions of any healthcare organization.

Consider vendor management consulting services to help you identify the VMS software that would work best for your organization’s needs. A VMS consultant can assist you with properly implementing a solution with care to ensure it does not conflict with any other workforce management software you currently have in place.

Request a consultation with a vendor management consultant to help you improve your contingent workforce visibility.